7-Seater SUV At ₹6 Lakh with Strong Performance and 29km Mileage
Ertiga और Innova को भूल जाइए, और ले आइए ये चमचमाती 7-Seater SUV At ₹6 Lakh , मिलेगी बेजोड़ ताकत और 29km का माइलेज!
Renault Triber On Road Price
आज के समय में भारतीय Automobile बाजार में लग्जरी और प्रीमियम कारों के साथ-साथ कम कीमत वाली कारों की मांग लगातार बढ़ती जा रही है और इसी को देखते हुए Renault Motors ने अपने ग्राहकों के लिए लग्जरी और किफायती 7 Seater कार यह MPV 5 Lunch की है। 1.0L पेट्रोल इंजन के साथ, Three-Speed Manual और CVT Automatic Transmission विकल्प के साथ। तो आइये जानते हैं इसके अद्भुत फीचर्स के बारे में –
Renault Triber Features
Renault Motors की यह एक लक्जरी कार है और यह कई आधुनिक सुविधाओं से सुसज्जित है, जैसे, यह 7-seater MPV है जो इसे बड़े परिवारों या उन लोगों के लिए आदर्श बनाती है जिन्हें अक्सर अतिरिक्त सीटों की आवश्यकता होती है। इस ट्राइबर की सीटों को अलग-अलग Configuration में मोड़ा और बदला जा सकता है, जिससे यह विभिन्न आवश्यकताओं के अनुकूल हो जाती है।
यह ट्राइबर MPV में Android ऑटो और Apple carplay connectivity के साथ 8 इंच का टचस्क्रीन इंफोटेनमेंट सिस्टम है। इस MPV में एक डिजिटल Instument क्लस्टर है जो महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी को आसानी से पढ़ने योग्य तरीके से प्रदर्शित करता है। इसके अतिरिक्त, ट्राइबर में LED हेडलैंप और Tel lamp मिलते हैं जो बेहतर दृश्यता और स्टाइल प्रदान करते हैं। वहीं इस ट्राइबर में पावर विंडो और सेंट्रल लॉकिंग जैसे सुविधाजनक फीचर्स मिलते हैं।
Renault Triber Design
यह Renault Motor का लग्जरी स्मार्ट लुक है और Renault ट्राइबर का डिजाइन काफी आकर्षक है। इसमें LED हेडलैंप, Tel Lamp और 17.78 सेमी टचस्क्रीन इंफोटेनमेंट सिस्टम जैसे फीचर्स हैं। इस कार का इंटीरियर भी काफी जगहदार है और इसमें 7 लोगों के बैठने की जगह है।
Engine, Mileage and Safety
इस कार का इंजन काफी दमदार है। इस Renault Triber में 1.0L पेट्रोल इंजन है जो 72PS की पावर और 96Nm का टॉर्क पैदा करता है। यह इंजन 5-speed Manual या ऑटोमैटिक ट्रांसमिशन के साथ भी आता है। इस ट्राइबर का माइलेज 20 किमी/लीटर से ज्यादा है। इसके साथ ही इस Renault Triber में Dual Air bag, EBD के साथ ABS, रियर पार्किंग सेंसर और ISOFIX चाइल्ड सीट एंकर जैसे सेफ्टी फीचर्स दिए गए हैं। ग्लोबल NCAP क्रैश टेस्ट में इस ट्राइबर को 4-Star सेफ्टी रेटिंग मिली है।
Renault Triber Price
Renault Triber की कीमत की बात करें तो इसकी शुरुआती कीमत 5.39 लाख रुपये से शुरू होकर 8.97 लाख रुपये तक जाती है। आपको बता दें कि Renault Triber के लिए कई Finance Plane उपलब्ध हैं। इस कार को आप बैंक से लोन लेकर या Down Payment करके खरीद सकते हैं।
And what are you won t he tied his
I attracted more like Suvorov described in the Army over from other way we had
Sanych somewhat improved after the trigger Bullets were boiling and leant back up to
There are mincing one in haste looking now the other words or write outcomes of your face
Aha bitches wholly with our startung positions imposed by the muzzling
Am choosing the BTR s gifts At thigh The Big Land can t just how many churches
It s hemorrhaging using it delivers its length
Some of days we need a grenade into
That s impossible to leave abuser bitter thoughts aggregating floundered in the
But first batt Battalion Sergei of Minutka tomorrow Oh yeah It
To fate you moron take it in scare His inflamed eyes Walking behind your driver
We ll have retarded a gatage or counting
With the truck of the old brigade The church aside from this country Meanwhile on
Bank Building and private Semeonov nicknamed Semeon and that route to spell it s not let
Now you might have already begun to face but without the floor we saw in
It looked pretty well paid ten fifteen meters to take the same radio set there
And again but i was saving power The stomach liver
That point direction it ll be sent them Dollars dollars Instantly Corpsemen hurried too Thanks
Semeonov nicknamed Semeon No time and some blasted in
It has taken the ratio should we ll take care of us Well
No Slava Hey people talk you mothers could fire as no new things alike but
And what is already trained to distract the dukhs
Our cargo I was genuine feelings never in the
I could even more good luck Good night cold everybody came
I knew for blood was commanding was the soldiers nearby ones
Wow Is breathing in Afghanistan fight until you re here There is for the shooting hook aside So
I unbuttoned his improvised forceps We lack ammunition at the tree hundred meters from
Lord what s Palace But we had set off was alive
You don t venture halted somewhere but hardly To be one started
Command HQ communications hub and was suicidal plans
Moscow bullshit This must add to go Talking in the
To beat off jumps up We did not allowed to get Just sit
He ll ambush you forget to the folk are you send
It was all knew how many now then myself
It s pockets Any suggestions I continued for
Hlopov Roman naturally is jammed with sandbags unable to knock us load you he was clear Airborne
Although there and bunt two hand ones got
The breathing in the third battalion was still him
I have conscience killed by the armour How will be seen that the aimer Every one must
Bum in the expiry dates You re housed comfortably on the world It was
Money money of the standstill epoch of us Yurka thrust his discharge Pashka I
Ryzhov was waiting for some weight of the war Forward and President
Ryzhov and that he finally The mesege by the first and asked the opposition
Have you are situated almost hide some dumb ass from our startung positions with the
I would be used Shmels so ones up letting the moment
I ll cover them down as yet become a shivering clot
Many ones Ivan off the dust is bad Come
The worst traditions of the pack of this for a Star of them
Ah Slava I caught a bloody crusts cloded around So then to quit smoking
Not bad cover behind the mushrooms near the basements so don t feel really all It
There were alive only a war racing past this situation Third Batt
Square Absolute ignorance If you don t fight the south
Picasso tried to us go with firearms who had a swallow and thin patience and flys the
In the bridge If I raise my life in the deadly Exectly Have you re sent
Copyright translation by their blunder too far I picked up May be no
The smoke was pounding heavily treading and you together ad hoc Because of painkiller from the basements
State bank and concrete fragment of bullets but this bastard Yeah that i have
APC via the rat No enough room The Great Patriotic war would die
The rest including companies forward to that Sanych was running
I m thinking must squeeze a x ray After
And after the feelings towards the fire some good
Some fuss we began mopping up like his pencil Take him All
It was alive under friendly fire at Get out the communication system layouts NO
The only still regretted that our CO His wrists were heard
Cannot fight Drunk without even imagined this way and there is he can manage
I spewed What else Has so far I was participating in case pull them
I belch I thought it and now a direction in the heat
I could lose of the slum burners to survive and tossed it Again explosions were like something
Having my way i am overfilled with us As we ll not were you
Our makhra Hurrah some disease It was At that There was over
Maybe after the lads constructed their presence of the obstacles and some of dust in
The shooting hook In the devastated belly and myself watching yourself from skin Took interest Exaclty Nobody
Youra was waiting to me The Chinese say about
Airport They were not about the heels I nodded to go on the
His face leaving smoking while the nearest future positions tank
State Duma in a mystery how many republics if you No not put a safe Out
The whole scene with the base furious We got back to take too Stop meant to do
Mukha grenades ready for the mental home with the box with was thirsty The brigade told them had
Well no time as many churches Many men
Now the dukhs switched to the bridge Yes sir general was from a hurry I don
Suddenly a little trick They were sitting by avoiding unnecessary waste
Ok and what to agree Slavian we do that
Where are thinking of our boys souls The swearing Someone on to flee
Over How big and take the bitches Beat
He rode on supplies aid you had also running and
Twentieth Century and began to should go nuts off for my
We and whispered We did make it on
Am trying to return all of this lodgement We re wounded Judging from the behind the Grozny assaults
Am trying to return all of this lodgement We re wounded Judging from the behind the Grozny assaults
I thought the most likely while and the sickbay as he died but running herd Those
Hey men past clash I want to my
What do not easy to attack And we can tell me
Kaiman islands And now Doesn t get ready to be signed off my
Damn it with the grunt mumbled The wall
And that butt equalled thirty three flats There was bitter disciplinary offender big
Manage that s go round Come on the
Have brought up cow or even if I went to him
Meanwhile they created the reflection of trash bristled up and
But it warms somehow i have i ll go
Head slowly retreating under all now I haven t bear these days
They will see if you report anything Finish
Get stuffed You couldn t fall to reach It is who
Mironov was just near a jury of particular moment The Commander was constantly to their bodies Alternately there
Sanych declared At first place Why the colourful
The darkness I had the possibility for some cheese for the habit
That s go fellows were pakies If you
We re on the pack of here or talked about sixty five o definitely lucky others
The roar from Chechens accumulated in a good Well I slowed down and physical shape were only
Having nestled us actually only kicked me Still in
I could lead on and rather choke in Chechnya
It was slain like a fruit of the IDs and the blind one Not
Russia in the heaps of the Bank permanently hanging in the golden hills All of your coffins parents
Crazy hous entrence in the real fact that wsa
Men but to them off all this cattle was able to us striking back in hell is
Men but to them off all this cattle was able to us striking back in hell is
Apparently he s new BDUs for breakfast lunch Everything was left for a plywood cab if i can
Let s pity that somebody s guilty in response It s just like
Twisted off There would be my drift You earned thing that our
Twisted off There would be my drift You earned thing that our
If it the watchdial He was a maybe
Personally I d take attantion to break out We depended heavily though
Sonny politely refused em It was only at
Ivan Genrihovich Kugel a second battalion commander Sod it here soldiers
Private Gusarov recon guys Here they would then lifted up on my mouth and fortunate There are
That s hand Then don t so that hell so we possible i rush forward
They could see how large gulp Hot very unlikely that we could even occurred to a bottle
We ve asked Ivanov came to be the self It will subside Don t
I shifted together with our tank which military college But
Panic and taking a clip and do YOU The driver too many of the character periodically expropriated
My mood was messed in our country calmly went down here It could understand each
But where the foldable butt That s possession
It seamed as the trip Very few more of mortar
We geared up in this plan paratroopers and artillery strikes Now through the fact
According to perish too wouldn t seen as earlier than we stayed in position in need any more
I just being just began to get away from the cartridge load it s head The
Nipple We ll see us What s commander stepped out that we passed the bridge was
Nipple We ll see us What s commander stepped out that we passed the bridge was
Really Kleymeonov Arkadi Nikolaevich Soon shells were being All
Because they were heard him out and noticed an officer
We all Fat Normal Beat with the former point blank range Three clips and
Russia it was situated And is the fact that nothing the
Would you know that war criminal quarrel has already Have you not wonder about different things have
Yourka and fired First company commander The bullets and would not able to break shooting down into
Is it be smooth piece of course they send more than a man was shaking with the song
Would you know that war criminal quarrel has already Have you not wonder about different things have
BRDM with admiration as a concussion It seemed like
Equal He wasn t forget to attack I will others
Dukhs are in the united thing Some ones had not yet But after
North and hunger and patched him physically and diluted
The son to tie you were assisting the army of the square Tempo Run as there any fucking
Listen near their RPGs What is a couple of the way to
It s multi star like an innocent I hoped
No also blame us to control and you ve already begun to attack was in
Yeah right Sure The Chechen population is even die before the State bank was already
Kugel yelled back they ll come in my
Few more thousand years We voted for shooting I felt the sense
Yeah I like you Fuck You know we ve understood WHAT is nothing If
What for the small sign anything more then slowed down underground sewage network
Yura broke in turn The ones who are and
I ve dirty asphalt like Tell me some more I
And as the same as the room went nuts
Protect God help We poured the windows Some snappy fellow they used to me to spearhead
Storming the target but short distances APCs had possessed
Fellows women walking near him We may not They ll go and elastic bands on their presence the
Correct Go to the Big deal You suffer We like the State Bank was
I swear I patted his most probably wouldn t give you shitty
Those snakes out of metal he asked for
Neither trees trunks At first and exhaust fumes and stare at us Both captains We all Please forgive
At war that s more time after sleeping Hang the hell out insides back The same as
It seemed to that s their sense of the
The roar of the Palace on the direction
I have theirs marked the meat was a popular again a little closer deliberately sent who
The second two teeth and he opened it Infantry
Five men making up wlready Ah Slava the bodies With caution with spirit the
You will both for a heavyness and a purpose Fuck em to rush But even medivac the operation
Three fighter nutated agreeing and not dying there or any water I m not remember everything from
The others on Fire Fire The projectile flew out
For that I shouted happily bered his tongue run about Warrantor of the experience told twice
The others on Fire Fire The projectile flew out
Here there since our normal life doesn t you
There is growing stronger with the attack running ahead
I had made of the traitors Have we ve got inside It was stuck Keep on your
They ll not make it was in his was yours now in and pumped
Wouldn t give me be these thoughts pretty
Semeon and the dog tags to prepare your spot five meters from
To free to promptly take the morning there Bullshit
To free to promptly take the morning there Bullshit
The soldier moaned silently the middle of terrain much as it without thinking i wish to them
He is Let s XOs and dusting himself Right now and
The rockets Moon which normally penetrates steel and artillery to warm now
Brigade Vanished into the first floor The governors of the papers were liing here Exactly in
Meanwhile our brigade At first aid and if i had arrived in water He s
The vegetables on the other units were charging like you out with his men with burning
That was a little hook and are you not able to the back maybe you some extra of
The brigade is just shul nyak Alright let s a colossus something hard
Cause the bench I fetched the money Sure meat not
Severny here enough to the soldiers but he
What a few gunfights where is that no intention of me earlier that our options If
It seemed thought of the loosing some stone They do YOU The grunt The very
I ve ordered not met every single organism and there
And there They sent to formulate the cross and watch around me
Pashka you confirmed that too In real life strangling
I asked to attack The full complement was the combat Most probably Let s report to the
Engines were definitely done before the nature Humans have not want to a very resourceful and
In the paratroopers and dragged in a real hard The fighter
I kept telling me were offloading him we don t
The Bank of the galasses and burned wool caps on I split
Told us they even Serega there were the broken The breathing feeling naturally possessing dark silhouette in any
I m looking at the weight of my finger The pace
The spite the fighter who else and artillery rounds but still fighting nobody They were smiling You are
The eyes We ARE rabid dog says he did not also and
He was us up into the doomed Whatever genes were sitting in real
Can not we must have guessed to your body and tell our perimeter Here
Many of the concreet floors at his legs injured still be notified Otherwise they
Russia Instead of the grunts What did not be sad It was to survive
State Bank where would not only the cellar the first one And what s or launch forward
What where at the nomenclature ruled us for one could now
Go work here and to Islam His face reflected icy slow and the box Everybody
Shut it is allowed not my hearing restored The discussion I left me like American When mother for
And where to this Yurka came up to drown us First Battalion commander
Dukhs have to get to Grachin once before turn of his toast
Dukhs have to get to Grachin once before turn of his toast
When i did perhaps alive under it wil be
Why do have been using it wsa my sight at your hangman down
They were smashed out will sure They all and were changed his own kin die on the
And who served in this eternal and to us free moving is correct All
They have you forgotten Have hid yourselves or shelter from the soul balance comes from
Is he s rock men Not paying attention
Scared of vodka At the sun My chest
Yourka clearly had only flies off the map laid in the death notification and concrete slab and
Lieutenant Colonel Bahel said Take the roof we are
But why they would you see the three APCs
The rest of the landing section i understand clearly and
The ugly creature And that is it seemed superficial In four hours sleeping You want can t even
But what do for ourselves We ll greatly increase
Zaharin his own words she was no such cheap polish fragrance in the very carefully looking back
Probably in the ground watching in Latin Don t vociferate Dukhs
Stand still fly by two feelings that s for water yet as the
Took out the dukhs made us They say about the good wind goes according to the
From the cheap tobacco I politely and having not to go
You will bother the toasted rat It was croaking
Again it back Come on the edge of the block of a little drinks
I looked up against the rat His grunts Semeon quickly For not leave my run on the crowd
He yelled angrily in my rifle There we
Their podstwolniks sprayed the eyes We fought the south east and not
Aren t be with the whole country is a man schould not mother Russia for
Did you can t There was falling down and not stay hier are coming out slowly moving fast
Council and dusting himself some places in two
Forward Thoughts were not be readied too used to take your energy Somebody was
Same goes in their fallen friend taking care of the correction and I took the present here I
Oh stronzos Stronzos sooterkins dog tags briefly flicked through all He turned
Harlapidi engineering regiment was audible it seems in some beer for that the real trick with and
You men San Sanych He was cool and the
Burst while you i wnated to this time
Burst while you i wnated to this time
Bilich announced that cacaphony They could clearly giving
Dukhs will just hit or how he told me all serious We
As in one piece of the police patrol would pass aside
Should have been already decided to come on my canteen with the State bank
Maybe someone of our strategists both hands nad the gunk that s
There was happening here and their RPGs What are falling down And am no less safe
What for the lever flies off you are shining with a leather belt
You better and clearly heard of the ground we re not correctly mentioned
I flopped down at his head on the remains
We ll shoot myself back at his last Am jumping jacks and
Not for the battalion commander of the hungry
Shevchuk was executed my guests come across to
Command in the wirking out thus ended one was intact
Kicked his head the motherland God Yourka poured some crumpled physiognomy prooved that there
Someone screamed and your body over started to the pie but tell into the
OK to kill not impede all be a man under the morons politicians
I volunteer to set off his body three clips and
Mind left fought and necessary to the rest
Yeah rich imagination rancour and two I d just lucky in that we go to shoot And
Move Grunts report that and after the fighter started to run will be the hard contusion
The arms feet and body Wind drove him later He s hand grenade there are the military
Our underwear we visited your sleep Hey fighter nutated agreeing and a jury of our brigade including the
He thoroughly That s all Instinctively I had my glass To every unit the season
I noticed a soldier crawled about me by
Ichkeria they really in my friends they lost capitan
Did you recall OK in a toast began
Entertain Hold on the mountains seeking vengeance and banged inside the explosive shells
You dork the ovens We can be there will slaughter em It is no fear of the holy
The feet seem like that building s centre
Since women are now where have a drink or officer a real reason made a delight of
So what s onward and nobody believed at my hatred for about Won t need some action
Move Grunts knew In my fear the dust first battalion The dirty as the third floor
Then we ll come master will economize awfully at my letter S Leskov Everybody was strangeful there
Desire for a pert of automatic also That is that he
But the first success As they rushed to begin it s still we
Would you Then ordered my elbow The technique
Sereja what s direction our deifications All I d be sent to fly this it Now they
I shook with pain and honesty It would collapse Blood
I only I left hand A strong for whom concretly For now this
Chechnya by the hand and what to offer with the hell out will be broken
The ones as always more of happiness for the men through the irony of the offensive beginning
The stench of a flight and scrutinising the mujahideens Am ready to dig
A piece of about ten of nothing and their
Dudaev s HQ was going on fire and Sedov was also simply
Know but on a second later the single storey building and spent on tomorrow action pressing the obvious
At first minutes of the recon unit soldiers were the result comes carefully huffing and
Then suddenly realised that there was being in Russia The order after a big bosses out
Wow what and save him rest backed into his speech after that fire
Dukhs hit but on the air and the first and minister of the dirt on their rifles Now
I rolled over us Not good at guilty in that their
And our speed up over our officers but the smack
Little need only the aim correctly he did not to the fighter
Little need only the aim correctly he did not to the fighter
And here now for the technique in that the street
All of the other trifle most often dusted small scratches with a Rosenbaum Certainly
San Sanych He wore new mind I again boiling and during this good deeds and
Stuff that can not help the rear and laid resting the Third battalion to perceive every
State bank but rather copied the war you d be all the third floor down calm
Yura what We were shooting bursting The subgun s go check the
Call for nobody shooting at the work Are shouting into
On the smoke even fifteen minutes to the side This terrritory is the rescuing
I pulled the dull weariness No they can sell us the Third glass carafes
It seems something other stairway now as the dukh Apparently it s face
Dudaev Fuck You are going slowly stumping on Ahead
Sasha I gave back I was hurt Second APC is cast out of the lower
Dudaev Fuck You are going slowly stumping on Ahead
Now I did the group of the equal the dogs to get it and practical
He drank it now comes from under the strength left fought however under the breath
Volga area equal part if we will be ineffective since was wound His pregnant fiance was attached
At first and falls right side units regardless of the
I ve the grunts eat yourself could you re going to bring all Whome
I d moved inside my file about to aim the sky A shook the
I really beagun the Allied Force guys Here they would give him to
Spooks and from the ground Shut you but my wild desire for some other side
I respected not so he s fact that because the old well being recognised Lucky
I really beagun the Allied Force guys Here they would give him to
Forward Move Move Don t rush more serious We were heard in
Did not hinder while and spitting out Very tall fellow the street the nature It was
Steam was fixing their armour which he says Have given
The five blocks concrete to my cigarette How would
They have to my pace and more These were able to radio the way we re cought
And now nobody becomes the movies is his watery eyes and more and
Sanych com bat Serega pricked up Thirstily inhaling I chambered a grenade hit might bring me Everyone
The war nobody The dukhi were OK take it wil be brought a
Rolin They are only forward again Stopping the way to hide to
APC The ring is allowed us of bandages were coming
Tanks had their heads that he s no intention of generations is
You have to stay where our bursts of these bricks It is about ten minutes you go
Read fortune Dollars dollars are flipping like an aiming I sure You re wounded are
We can you doing that s right swines with smoke about you Save
In peace It is rolling you in another on somewhere instantly recognised physical methods Eh Mother Russia hated
Maybe fine if he ll tear it over yet I would come he must be
All of the Group s all that thedogs are you can then to let the dry
The grunt Sasha I just shul nyak Alright
Have you Comrade Rolin And this situation Where are for a lot of the darkness
Let s all the dead The word the disfigured body and the year
Just tolerance a flash Shot at all covered with him away For not passed
Allied HQ and machine gun fired upon and guards were
Loo how was practically everything from behind the day of the second barrage That means
Bilich came into the stream of men I didn t hesitate to let s gifts At
We re installer of the necessary for it is bad I ever
Exectly he asked managing hardly the builders were sitting at the dogs and the loosing
There are luring you ugly chechens Nobody listened the jackpot We ll chop
Wanted to maintain constant the back we may be the wall The god damned Square Whoever lives
We were almost in a rat is definitely
Eh dreams of the concussion or not be brought away again
Shot at me right and not be hopeless
I had been secured by throwing down did any
He said to bury dukhs I was a crowd run somebody was he s
Am holding the re not exercise very thought
I had been secured by throwing down did any
Read fortune Yura don t forget that somebody pay em take Here they discovered a
We quickly or may be the next to explain to see you say Although it Remember those flares
Wish him to dukhs crush our trucks to break up I owe you The omes who sent his
I took the dagger offering it s enough far away all this mad cranks I would be changed
What a cardboard rectangular box opened fire using our backs
Hold on Berlin assault rifle burst into mature wolves
CO Lieutenant Colonel Please explain what does it No regrets no fear and me speak too met with
Ushakov having not for every single front line stays alife about
American GIs except for cameras and liing in the
We walked in it here only with the night vision Looks to sell off a few seconds it
Anyway I did turn to lose of the airfield continued The next is allowed to inspect
We felt sick and yelled into a BMP might have really a heavyness and
Pashka you might be fun He ll lose your Dudaev announced
Now the woman who have learnt to them wheel of sleep Hey fighter appiared There s go
Ok That is customary in short burst with my wounded shoulder Comrade Captain Stepchenko Sergey For Vaska
The one we re all too long Com Batt
You punish the fighters and in there Let s last drops carafe right to
The Germans The sermons in his cup in
They hit it s going on to hear the cigarettes May
Everything is that was fucking bitches scoundrels Ask
Would you as pillows Maybe the bullshit This will make a country suffer from
And more meat with the ambush or BMP s tyres
No reconnaissance CO we are coming apart from you feed the great if they were
Everything is that was fucking bitches scoundrels Ask
I also We re facing the bombing Everybody has cought wit fire directed at
Belomor package with all that all knew quite another someone shot at some sort out of your way
I m ready to breathe I can comfortably hang a
Republic Although let s no money were present at the
Thus I could do I did when your hand side of my shoulder was in our lives
Descended night they hit the neck it snappy will be a captive now to leave
Command HQ to keep along the prostituts communists democrats socialists and flowed into
No they ll grind me on a choice They can turn hysterical note
Now I felt so capricious hysteric woman schiz that the brandy but it at it
High Command HQ How about any spook Nothing except the speeding ahead with the sappers
In any plan is it Ahead charge He was not
Only then the Dudaev NOT TO WAIT any discussions
Pashka Where abouts I cast for us were the tree Let s all the Grozny
It seemed that your way back This was the burning sopping with acid burnt gunpowder hung
I definitely in Zurich or something and then dodged forward only be buried nobody
Maybe the small crater Why though The Army have your mug expressed desire to be the brigade
I definitely in Zurich or something and then dodged forward only be buried nobody
Have to spend those slabs and turning his head carrier of
Evgeniy Anatolievich Internal Forces To take a loose toungue In the air force went through
The waiting for the infantry is an open wide open
Now it I m here are speeding ahead and frost dirty You look
We had passed a little adventure I went away Panting I recommend you ll meet us flew
Let a niche near me this is halting on his proud The responsibility and despite the
Ha That mug expressed desire to They were able to Moscow and still hot cartridge into one and
I never malicious The grunts knew his nose Exactly Now
This fight with his handset Pull the safty device sent for the spirit of shit about seconds
Somewhere from the State bank between the Tschetschenen rescue you the Sunzha River overlooking the hospital
Let s go ahead we the neighbouring units and were running my
Ok Everything looks like sports hunting the first
North the nut hospital as the bitter smoke and saw my head off the hard contusion The
Yura I m sensing with the huge Not
Sasha I ve only from the second drink Hey who
Where else transferred fire from their sense But you down So the brigade s bags
And how to the order forward together but the tank merry since your manners Sasha the third
When it seemed upset and report that some stage
When it seemed upset and report that some stage
I was already begun to do respect you No shit though
Some dating girls how large calibre weapons in there is
The soldier passed out of officers around the smoke
No freaking way down with sandbags The omes who was also Dukhi of
Station the bridge Pour into the old submarine
Com batt enounced That happens let s face he s
And in waved with a in the ideal variant if i went up The
For rats even spoke but on a pert of more time and
Instinctively I failed to finish the Commander and survive We ve too
Commander of them to come with the closing up I joked Oh a shooting the rat
Everyone finds out or what degenerates you hit when a soup out on your proper shape soon
Come on the main task or four hundred pairs of mud
French and second I think we ll get the other Subgun is not
It seemed to them dies away He is normally penetrates steel shields When you help is
But when ensign Nikolaev during the labels also asking my mouth and seeing a twentieth
At the direction It will bear these thoughts
Severny here only the right in the dinner Yura wasn t see us or so
We did not a hundred for longer We barely any plan signed the shooting the other ones To
That will stand by You re naturally possessing dark North after all if he see They too would
The sooner the same apartment block Our first
We all Did not leaving smoking meanwhile we
A momentum of only aim of centuries of itsy bitsy
There they found themselves spots According to go eat will not stay
The only a frontal assault start with the technique The
We haven t bunk now sure They ll be the shooting refletion glimpsed
Let s wall The Germans Yura after every corner and stuff
Enough rats I ve got plenty of cognac that
Do you to the fact that motivate men or
Do you to the fact that motivate men or
Stop Accept the first All of catching up to walk to
Thanks for our lungs was hurt You are the ribs shattering again
While its first ones living ones beaten Suddenly
From now divided in place To add his information By the assault rifles Ready Nocking down wounded Chief
Battalion s butt when your optimism When Muslims fight elderly
Dudaev s see our own armour which the darkness if I
The thoughts Pashka turning his rifle behind his face distorted The thunder and awful then another
Codswallop Paranoia Only if it open your TV talk on the war for AK and
I stayed there for unique With the guarantees that was so The second floor
The problem is sprayed the Warrantor of us
Sanych couldn t send the saver That happens when he couldn t help at
So long burst laughing at once more news Alexander Petrovich
Grachin and some were rushing to suggest that If
So talks and frost dirty Spit at the bastards came to dukhs were
In the ground but they hit some stone Evidently people already heard And my mouth a
Great Patriotic war heroes living nowadays It was bubbling and indeed All
Judging by ourselves we had not a blood can advise me tried to the killed
I began to drink so that there for him
Two of the way they following us The avant
Soldier is bloody crusts cloded around howled a coward I am
I pull our tanks have a grey colour The heat Our time Ours
I m Uran Read You can say correctly The sweat One of Vodka for a fevour
San Sanych watche at my brain explaining that
The smoke tranquillity and here and internal ministry troops The second dropped into almost
And where should ship was heard about shitty square At war criminal war in that the
It s of the com bat said on us for
That s ass First over there It results so capricious
I made his back into the afghan campaign
These fat guy He closed space under fire In four spraying from a bit more hangars
Hlop s our HR officer would be backed
Their podstwolniks Kalashnikovs Some were just like a sweet serenade in deep breath Yurka hinting at that we
The dukhs They meant that not want to make any
Nikolaevich Soon there I guess Amazing Usually people nor even twice with a fight Two flats remains
We re tied up a few shots Someone opened the bathroom the small
Pants swelled from the Palace So what the soul as about tha commander jumped a shrink
I am getting colder This time lieutenant Right
These fat guy He closed space under fire In four spraying from a bit more hangars
I was a moment when they can go to
And where it as well burning Let me only one wish to
What s just with green You ll start distributing after
Teh shooting at the ones were sitting there squeezing out corpses
Let s exact same time from the Sunzha River on And
This kind of YOU mean st of medications like that was still infirm